Although we have many different styles of homes in Perth, a standard setup would be 6 cameras for full perimeter. (As seen below)
If you’re on a budget, we can get a good result with just 4 cameras. (Example below)
Not every home is the same however the general idea is to cover all windows and doors where possible, locations being Front, Driveway, Entry, Alfresco, Laundry and Back.
A frequent question we get asked is, do I really need a camera at the front door? We think its one of the more important cameras as if someone’s at the front door and it is not visible by the two front cameras you won’t be able to see them, and from a security perspective regardless of having something like a ring a CCTV camera will be recording 24/7 allowing you to playback anything that may happen, e.g., missing parcel.
We also like to have two cameras out the front on either side of the home crossed over being that it is a high traffic area, and it gives you eyes up and down the street in a lot of situations.
If you have a double storey home the same general camera locations apply, we can usually honour our single storey pricing on most double storey homes. Get in touch and let us know you have a double storey home, we will ask you for your address and look on google maps to let you know if we can honour our single storey pricing or failing that we may need to visit your home. Most of the time it’s just to manage expectations as to where we will and will not be able to conceal cabling and if we would need to conduit. Of course, we do our very best to conceal cabling where possible and not use conduit.
If you have a single storey home with a flat or raked roof, we will also need to look on Google Maps or look at the home in person, having a flat roof especially if its tin can impact our ability to run cables, especially if there is solar panels etc impeding us from removing tin.
Cameras inside the home? This isn’t a common thing and we do not generally encourage cameras inside for privacy, the exception to the rule is usually FIFO workers who want the extra peace of mind whilst away.
Inside Garages is another location people like to keep an eye on, our systems can be scaled to any number of cameras, generally an 8 channel NVR is more than enough for a standard home.
Remote zones like a Shed can be linked up with the home via high-speed enterprise grade point to point wireless links. These are as good as running a cable but without ripping up driveways and digging trenches. We can also link multiple office or warehouses using the same technology if they are within a few kilometres.
For more information on our CCTV System packages, and for any other questions please feel free to get in touch with us on our Connect With Us page.
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